Speed Count training DVD now available to the general public! Orders for Golden Touch Blackjack Revolution DVD being accepted now... CLICK HERE. |
I am no longer involved in teaching dice control with Golden Touch. I'm doing a world and country-wide travel tour. (Check my web site at www.frankscoblete.com) I am also not interested in debating definitions of words such as dice control or dice influence or rhythmic rolling. To me they are all the same thing. Learn casino craps and dice control in craps seminars taught by Golden Touch Craps International instructors from coast-to-coast. The Golden Touch can help you get the winning edge on craps.
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Get these specials while they last!
Join in the greatest dream casino players can have – beating the casino at its own game! You can become the casinos worst nightmare! There’s only one way to beat the game of craps in the long run – it’s called dice control. No betting systems, no hedging systems, no on/off systems, no 'go with the flow' systems,' and no prayers can make this negative expectation game a positive long-run experience for the typical craps player. The traditional craps player is a loser. The casinos know that fact, even if some players and some so-called experts don’t. Only dice control can change the nature of the game to favor the player. By controlling the outcomes of your roll, you can change the statistics of the game to turn the tables on the casinos. |
Frank Scoblete andDominator will show you what it takes to develop a controlled throw at craps.
But that’s not all. You’llget to read what the Golden Touch dice control instructors have to say aboutall aspects of gaining an advantage at craps. The Golden Touch Craps dicecontrol instructors are the greatest dice controllers in the world. Join themand learn how to make craps a winnable game for you.
Frank Scoblete,
You’ll also read thelegendary Captain’s advice and the advice of the Golden Touch Crapsinstructors: Jerry 'Stickman,' Howard 'Rock ‘n Roller,'Billy the Kid, Mr. Finesse, Street Dog, Bill Burton, Wordslayer,No Field Five, Pit Boss, Chip, Tenor andSatch,an original member of the Captain’s Crew.
If you want to win atcraps, this is the must-read book!
The authors
Frank Scoblete,
Dominator is the world’sgreatest dice controller, a columnist for several magazines and web sites, andthe executive director of Frank Scoblete’s Golden Touch Craps dicecontrol seminars.
Frank and Dominator havebeen featured on television shows on the Travel Channel, the History Channel,A&E, the Discovery Channel, CNN, TBS and others where they demonstratedtheir abilities and knowledge of the games.
The Golden Touch DiceControl Revolution by Frank Scoblete and Dominator
PRICE: $16.95
Call 1-888-353-3234to order by phone
I was a complete skepticabout dice control. While I have been Frank Scoblete’s friend for 20 years, andI respect his knowledge of gambling, I never believed him when he said thatsome people could control the dice in a craps game enough to get the edge overthe house. Basically I ignored what he had to say. I never had the opportunityto see Frank throw and dice control just wasn’t on my radar screen.
Then approximately threeyears ago at one of his Jamborees, I went to the craps table with Frank andDominator At my first session with them, I saw Dominator roll for about 45minutes and then Frank took the dice and rolled for one hour. I had never seensuch back-to-back long rolls in my life. Well, I thought, that could just beluck, right?
Time has dimmed the luckthesis.
I have now been to thetables with these two men and other Golden Touch Craps dice controllerscountless times in Tunica,
I can’t be skeptical inthe face of several years of great rolls. No one can be that lucky!Frank Scoblete and Dominator are the real deal as my eyes and bank account canattest to. In addition, my Golden Touch blackjack colleague, computer expertDan Pronovost, who was just as skeptical as I was atthe beginning, saw what I saw at the tables, and he did something to confirmthat dice control was real. He developed Smart Craps, a unique softwareprogram, and tested Frank’s rolls. His response toFrank’s ability? 'It was godly.'
Jean Scott, author of TheFrugal Gambler, has also seen Frank and Dominator at the craps tables anumber of times. She started as a skeptic too and her story is the same as minenow. It’s hard to deny the truth of your own eyes.
Indeed in his last 79 daysin the casinos (approximately one year), Frank has had rolls of 50, 51, 51 52,55, 57, 60 and a truly godlike 89! He has also had numerous rolls in the40-number range. (Prior to those 79 visits no official Golden Touch recordswere kept of casino rolls.) Dominator has had great rolls in those same 79 daysas well; a 53-hand roll, a 55-hand roll and a stunning 56-hand roll before hetossed his first and only 7 (the Golden Touch world record no-sevenschamp) and one session where he rolled 30, 33, and 38 numbersback-to-back-to-back, also a Golden Touch world record.
Another Golden Touchinstructor, Howard 'Rock ‘n Roller' set a Golden Touch world record: fivestraight days with hour or longer rolls on each and every day. His longesthand in that streak was 74 numbers! Not to be outdone, Frank’s mentor, TheCaptain had a 76-roll hand, a 100-roll hand, and an awesome 147-roll hand inthe past 18 months. You can read the world records at www.goldentouchcraps.com. Many ofthe instructors who give information in this book are liberally represented inthe Golden Touch World Records because they are that good.
This isn’t luck. Rarely docraps players have even one such long roll. But long rolls aren’t the only wayto win money at craps – consistently hitting selected numbers can also bringhome the casinos’ money.
In the late 1980s andearly 1990s Frank Scoblete was the only gaming writer who discussed controlledshooting or rhythmic rolling, something he had learned from his mentor TheCaptain and his mentor’s partner, The Arm (described by Frank as the greatestcontrolled shooter of all time). Over the years Frank took a pounding from manygaming authors who dismissed him as a fraud, a scammer, and a liar forpostulating that craps could be beaten with a controlled throw. Frank was noneof these things. He was the first to recognize what many are now learning.
Let me put this simply:Frank Scoblete was right and everyone else was wrong.
Today, of course, no onewho has witnessed Frank and Dominator roll, or who has taken their Golden TouchCraps dice control course, doubts what they are saying. Craps can be beaten bya controlled throw. It isn’t easy but it can be done with practice anddiscipline. It takes time to learn and much practice time to perfect. But itcan be done.
Gaming writers such as Dr.Don Catlin, author of The Lottery Book:
Indeed, even the greatblackjack author and dice control skeptic, Stanford Wong, decided to see ifthere was anything to this dice control thing and he took the Golden Touchcourse in 2004. He has now done a complete about-face. He is an enthusiasticsupporter of dice control and has even written his own book about it, Wongon Dice.
What I discovered aboutdice control by playing at the same tables with Frank and Dom is what Wong,
Once you know how tocontrol the dice, then you must bet properly as some craps bets just can’t beovercome except by the greatest shooters.
This book will take youthrough a step-by-step process of learning how to control the dice. It willexplain the proper betting strategies you must use to get the edge over thehouse once you have developed your controlled throw. It will teach you how tohandle playing with random rollers at the same table.
Frank Scoblete andDominator are the grand masters of dice control and this book is a great startto your education in beating the casinos at the game of craps.
Good luck, or rather, GoodSkill.