
Chinese Fortune Numbers


Open a Fortune Cookie. Fortune Cookie Recipe. Fortune Cookie Quotes. Chinese Translation. Lucky Numbers (Lotto) Daily Numbers (Pick 3) Submit a Fortune Cookie. Chinese Lucky Number Combinations. Chinese people love to use lucky number combinations to express their wishes or emotions. 168 (li liu ba) sounds like 一路发 (yi lu fa), meaning “making a fortune all the way”.; 520 (wu er ling) is like 我爱你 (wo ai ni), which means “I love you”.; 1314 (yi san yi si) represents 一生一世 (yi sheng yi shi) in Chinese, meaning “throughout.

Here are the keywords and personal descriptions of your lucky numbers

Lucky number 1

Keywords: creativity, independence, leadership

Description: You are a real leader, a creator and a pioneer. You are an active person and you have belief in your own ideas. Sometimes you can be stubborn and lazy. Be friendly and show interest to others

Lucky number 2

Keywords: good collaborator, good listener, charming

Description: You are a friendly person who loves to share his time with other people. You can be charming, are a good listener and adapt to every situation. At times, you can be unconcerned, careless and dissatisfied. Try to be more disciplined and achieve your goals.

Lucky number 3

Keywords: curious, self-expression, imagination

Description: You have a great need of self-expression. In combination with your imagination and curiosity this leads to great artistic performances. (art, literature and entertainment). Be aware of your vanity. You can be overly critical and jealous. Try not to lose your temper and be more patient.

Chinese Fortune Numbers

Lucky number 4

Keywords: reliable, disciplined, in control

Description: You are a hard worker! Because of your reliability and discipline you are able to achieve a lot! You have great succes because you are in control! Don't look too much at the details. You can be cruel to others. Try to be more tolerant to others and be open for anything new.

Lucky number 5

Keywords: freedom, experienced, wisdom

Description: You love freedom and traveling. It's fun to have you as company because you are friendly and openminded. Because of your experience and wisdom people have great interest in you. Sometimes you are thoughtless and inconsistent. You like to postpone tasks for a later moment. Set your goals and try to be more patient.

Lucky number 6


Keywords: responsible, forgiving, caring

Description: You are the one who takes responsibility. It's good to have you around because you are caring. Living in harmony is important to you. You have the tendency to worry too much and are a real meddler. Try to leave others alone.

Chinese Fortune Numbers 2020

Lucky number 7

Keywords: balanced, analytic, inner wisdom

Fortune chinese horoscope

Description: You are the real expert of the group. People admire your balanced life and analytic knowledge. You know the answer to all the questions. This makes your a good counselor. Sometimes you can be sceptic and nervous. You need to trust people more. Try not to be too depresive and overcome your fear.

Lucky number 8

Keywords: successful, self-confident, authority of influence

Description: You are a very successful person. With your talent, self-confidence and authority you are able to achieve the highest goals. People look up to you. Try not to be too hard for them. Don't be too meterialistic. Not everything in life is about money.

Chinese Fortune Cookie Sayings Printable

Chinese Fortune Numbers

Lucky number 9

Keywords: understanding, empathetic, compassionate

Good Fortune Chinese Restaurant

Description: You are a very popular person for the other sex. Everybody loves you because you are understanding and have a compassionate heart. At times, you are too sensitive and sentimental. Try to control your feelings and be more balanced.